
North Tahoe FAN Club Meetings

The North Tahoe FAN Club meets the first Monday of the month at 6pm in the North Tahoe High School band room.

Upcoming performances & events

Thursday, December 5
Capitol Section Honor Band Auditions Due (NTHS band only)
NTHS Honor Band audition materials

Friday, December 6
NorCal Honor Band audition material due (NTHS band only)
NTHS Honor Band audition materials

Saturday, December 7
Sacramento State Jazz Festival (NTHS band only)

Wednesday, December 11, 6 p.m.
Winter Concert, North Tahoe High School gym

Monday, January 6 – Wednesday, January 8
NORCAL Honor Band – Chico State (NTHS band only)

Thursday, January 9 – Saturday, January 11
Capitol Section Honor Band – Consumnes Oaks HS (NTHS band only)

Saturday, January 25
Folsom Jazz Festival (NTHS band only)

Saturday, February 8
Jazz in the Schools “40’s Night” – UNR (NTHS band only)

Thursday, March 20
Region V Band Festival at NTHS (NTHS band only)

Saturday, March 22
Spring Trip: CSUS Golden Ensemble Large Ensemble Festival (NTHS band only)

Wednesday, April 9
Movie Soundtrack Show (NTHS band only)

Date TBD
Reno Jazz Festival (NTHS band only)

Wednesday, June 4
Spring Concert (NTHS band only)

Date TBD
Graduation (NTHS band only)